Maxwell Integrations come with the full Maxwell toolkit, including the following. To summarize, Maxwell Integrations offer an easy workflow that allows you to compose, edit, and render your scenes from a simple toolbar inside your usual 3D application. Maxwell is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Its Visualize and Studio versions offer comprehensive libraries. In addition, you get Render nodes and network tools for advanced deployments. Whether the Allplan project you want to render in Cinema 4D is outdoors or indoors. As an alternative, the standalone Maxwell Studio offers an independent production/rendering environment to create, edit, and render Maxwell scenes. Maxwell 5 is seamlessly integrated into most of the major 3D/CAD software solutions such as Rhino, SketchUp, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max, ArchiCAD, Cinema 4D, and formZ. NEXT LIMIT MAXWELL | CINEMA 4D INTEGRATIONS
Cloud Render helps you optimize your time and resources more efficiently.
Easily dispatch Cloud Render Jobs from Maxwell Studio and the plugins, freeing the local computer from high CPU loads. The new Cloud Render service allows you to access the most powerful machines available in the cloud (up to 96 cores) speeding up the render process and thus improving your productivity.